So, today's Joyful Moment was when HH had the idea to play a game as a family this morning. Little M picked "The Game of Life" (happens to be one of my favorites!). We had so much fun! A great way to spend the late morning, before heading off to church.
Now, I want to go into a little bit greater detail of some of yesterday's Joyful Moments because some amazing things happened. First, I'd been really worried about how all of the morning's busyness would work out. It just seemed like too many things at one time. I was so happy when Sweet P (the Daddy's Girl) asked me to run with her, there was no way I could let her down. But then the opportunity to participate in a meeting with Sister Wixom was pretty rare and important as well. I didn't think I would have time to do both, so I spent a lot of time praying for a way to make it all happen.
Then factor in the Meals on Wheels HH had volunteered to deliver. Normally, it takes 1-2 hours to deliver an entire route. And he couldn't start until 11 AM. Sweet P's race was supposed to be at 10:10, but there was a second session because of all the schools, so I knew we could kind of sneak into the other session and run at 11:50. More praying ensued.
Without getting into all the mess of details, let me just say that HH was able to help me coordinate a schedule that at least allowed for me to make it to the meeting and back in time to run with Sweet P. It just meant that he and the boys wouldn't be able to make it because they'd be out delivering meals. I was sad, but figured it would have to do.
That didn't stop me praying for another solution to find its way in, however.
And then, like I said yesterday, it did. I made it back from the Big City in record time (not as much traffic early Saturday morning, I guess). Then HH lucked out to get a route that was an entire apartment complex, meaning just one drop off at the front desk. We didn't tell the people in charge of the routes that we were in a hurry, or anything, that was just the route he was assigned. I knew it was an answer to prayer.
And then something even more amazing happened. Actually, it had kind of been happening all week, but it was confirmed yesterday.
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe that the power of prayer is magnified when combined with faithful fasting. We fast (go without food, with a specific purpose in mind) on the first Sunday of every month. Except in April and October, because then we hear from our church leader in Salt Lake City in General Conference on the first Sunday, so we fast the following Sunday. That was last Sunday.
HH and I decided we would both fast for help for me. Mostly, just help for me to be happy again and finally pull out of the most recent depression dive all the way.
As you know, my foot has been hurting quite a bit and acting very much like previous fractures I've experienced. It's been quite swollen and was hurting constantly. It even kept me awake at night from the pain. Which meant that I knew I couldn't even attempt to run on it. Which was another source for my depression. Running is one of my best anti-depressants for so many reasons.
However, I wasn't really thinking of my foot at all as I fasted for help in being happy. I knew it would heal in time and then I'd re-start my running.
Then I woke up Monday morning.
And my first realization was that my foot didn't hurt. At all. That hadn't happened for weeks! It was a little achy when I started moving around on it, but not much. I went through my week, working out at the gym, but still avoiding the running trails. But it felt pretty good!
And then I finally ran on it yesterday. And it didn't hurt at all during the race! It's been a little achy and tender since, but nothing compared to what it was just over a week ago.
So, there you have it. My own, personal little miracle. I wasn't asking to be healed physically, but I know Heavenly Father knows how much running means for me and He expedited my healing process anyway. And I'm so grateful! What a humbling and amazing Joyful Moment!
I hope you understand that I do not share this lightly. It was profound and amazing. But I've felt very strongly that I should share it with you here. So, I have.
Wishing you all Joyful Moments that are a bit miraculous!