So, here's a quick post to get you through the weekend. There WILL be a post on Monday!
This is a poem my mom shared with us by Lowell Bennion:
Learn to like what doesn't cost much.
Learn to like reading, conversation, music.
Learn to like plain food, plain service, plain cooking.
Learn to like fields, trees, brooks, hiking, rowing, climbing hills.
Learn to like people, even though some of them may be … different from you.
Learn to like to work and enjoy the satisfaction of doing your job as well as it can be done.
Learn to like the songs of birds, the companionship of dogs.
Learn to like gardening, puttering around the house and fixing things.
Learn to like the sunrise and sunset, the beating of rain on the roof and windows, and the gentle fall of snow on a winter's day.
Learn to keep your wants simple and refuse to be controlled by the likes and dislikes of others.
Just before Bennion died, his biographer, Mary L. Bradford, visited him. He was feeling pretty good, he said. Not because he was in fine health, but because he had managed to pretty much "give everything away."
At his funeral, President Gordon B. Hinckley mused that Bennion never owned a car as nice as any of the cars in the chapel parking lot that day.
He couldn't have been happier.
Let us all take after Lowell and Little M and truly be happy and more than satisfied with the simple things.
I really like that poem and really needed to hear that message. So thanks. And he is ADORABLE.
I get more from that poem every time I read it, so thanks for giving me the opportunity to read it again. Glad you caught Peter Pan with his hat on right! love you
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