Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 661: Fondubulous!

My mother-in-law's birthday is coming up in a bit.  But since we were all together today, we celebrated it early.  And a fondue party has become the tradition in recent years.

I love fondue.  So, eating it to celebrate a wonderful mother-in-law is a pretty excellent Joyful Moment.

I will just quickly mention a nice run with HH's mom, dad, and sister this morning, watching some football (I may, or may not have slept through most of the first half), and then playing games after the kids were in bed.

I'm really blessed to have in-laws that are awesome and I love.

Wishing you all awesome and lovable Joyful Moments!


Linda said...

My JM today was having your little sis and her HH help me put together a project for the Activity Day girls. And realizing that I might have never gotten it done without their help. Family is the best!

Cheryl said...

I'm so glad they live close enough to help!