Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 1181: A First

Today was definitely my best Mother's Day, yet.

It helped that I had no trace of the usual guilt I feel on Mother's Day, when everyone is talking about how perfect moms are.  Thanks to how I've been feeling lately, I've been much more patient and kind and fun with the kids.  And I've been working overtime with all of the projects and everything else to do around the house and yard.  So, I've been feeling like a good mom.

Which made it so nice to just appreciate everything they did for me today.  Including, and not limited to:  Delicious quiche and juice for breakfast, made while I got some time on my own; some amazing gifts and cards--

I failed to take pictures of the two "wild flower" bouquets they gave me earlier.

And the running belt with water bottles to go along with these new sweet thangs:

I couldn't wait, so I got these a little early.

And all of the above had me already feeling totally and completely spoiled.

The kids were antsy and hinting at something all morning long, and finally HH gave up trying to keep it a secret and handed me a pretty little gold bag.  Inside I found this:

The very necklace I'd been wanting to wear to church this morning.  It was my grandma's.  I love it, but I haven't really been able to wear it because it was actually a broken locket, with a broken chain, and very tarnished.  I didn't even realize those pretty little balls on the trim were actually pearls.  The jewelers who fixed it up told HH.  And they confirmed that it's an old piece because it's so well made.

So, when I opened up the box and saw it so beautifully polished and on a brand new chain, tears sprang into my eyes.  I've never cried over a gift before.

But, this time I couldn't help it.

Even now, just remembering it, I could cry.

My HH is amazing.

And the goodness kept on coming.

The kids were extra crazy at church.

And then we came home and HH took care of the kids and made me a delicious and thoughtful dinner. Grilled chicken, green salad full of fruit (my fave), bread, chocolate milk (my FAVE), and strawberry and cream popovers.

Yes, he is awesome.

Then we went to a graduation recital for the kids, so I got to hear them perform.

Fabulous fabulous day!

I am so so so thankful for my four beautiful children.  For their sweet, smiling faces.  For their willingness to forgive my many mistakes.  And their continual praise and appreciation for me.  They are my biggest fans and I love them.

And it goes without saying, I'm beyond grateful for my HH.  I could never be the mom, or person, I am without him and his never ending support.

I love you, HH.  Thank you for making today and every day so beautiful.

1 comment:

Linda said...

The photo of the cards from your kids made me feel teary and the photo of mom's cameo on the necklace finished me. We have a great heritage of motherhood and you are doing a great job carrying it on.