Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 917: Pump It

Today kind of hit me like a brick wall.

Minus the "kind of".

It didn't go at all as I had planned.  And got a lot more complicated before it got simplified.

Thankfully, my mom stayed calm throughout all of my stress and helped me cross a million things off of my suddenly (according to my sleep-deprived hormonal state) super urgent to-do list.

Joyful Moments were found in learning that Darling A's jaundice levels are on the way to resolving themselves (although, I pretty much already felt confident in this), reading (while snuggling) a nap time story with Baby B, and deciding to just buy a double electric breast pump.

I've had it with the lame-o manual one I've struggled with for the prior three babies.  It's sad I didn't make the plunge a few babies ago, but I know I'll be so grateful to have it for this one.

And, now I'm caught up on this blog again.  That is a Joyful Moment, too, my friends.

And HH did this a couple days ago, as you can tell, but it still gave me a Joyful Moment when I saw it today.  He's so sweet.  He brought home some gorgeous, brightly colored daisies Monday, too.  He's gold.

Wishing you all golden Joyful Moments and days that hit you more like a marshmallow wall, than a brick one!


Meg said...

What a cute note! And I'm glad you're getting a pump- the store I went to when Wyatt was born is now closed and the other one in SLC was closed on Wednesdays... so I didn't make it yesterday. I think that the Amazon deal is the best anyway though. Let me know what you decide on and if you have any more questions!

Linda said...

I think your HH is an amazing Husband and Father. I am so grateful you two are a team in this family/parenting business.

Cheryl said...

Meg--Thanks for all your help!

Mom--Me too!