Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 919: What The Kale?

My neighbor gave us some kale starts before we even planted our garden.  Eventually, they made it to our garden and then flourished like crazy.

I should have taken a picture.  But they are basically overshadowing the rest of the garden.  Literally.  So, today we cut down a bunch and made kale chips.

This is how they went over with the kids.  They ate three bowls full.  We're talking that large pyrex bowl at the bottom of the picture there.

Watching my kids devour a veggie like it was candy was definitely a Joyful Moment!

Wishing you all nutritious Joyful Moments!


Amy said...

I tried making kale chips, and the flavor was good, but they weren't crispy. Were yours crispy?> and if so, how did you get them that way?

Linda said...

It was pretty amazing to watch them. Reminded me of watching my kids devour popcorn. :)

My JM was witnessing your children make good choices. Thanks for teaching them to do what is right and reinforcing it so well.

Cheryl said...

Amy--Bake them at 400 and toss them every 5-10 minutes to make sure all parts get exposed. Just keep baking until they are crisp.

Mom--Amen. And thanks!