Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 193: Inner (Drawer) Peace

That's right. I created greater peace within a couple drawers--and a cupboard!--today.

When we moved into our house a little over a year ago, I was somewhat overwhelmed by all the new found space. Much more than I've ever had in my married life. And I didn't quite know what to do with all of it.

So, I organized all the spaces I was used to needing (i.e. silverware drawer, clothes closet, etc.) and then just left the "extra" spaces empty. And then as more things (i.e. junk) came along, I just stashed them in those spaces. Resulting in a couple junk drawers, a junk cupboard, a junk closet, and a junk room. We're talking an extra purse, several chargers, super glue, a letter opener, a lock from a U-Haul storage unit, some gum, a portable DVD player, and more all in one little space.


So, now I'm trying to reclaim those spaces by sorting and organizing within. And today I bought gadgets to help me organize a few of them in a way that will help them to maintain their current organized status. Forever.

I'm so pleased with the results. Completing this task was indeed a Joyful Moment and then witnessing HH's reaction when he discovered them. The main part of the project involved a cupboard and a drawer in the kitchen which we frequently get things out of. He was delighted to actually be able to find what he was looking for in such a quick jiffy. Plus, it just feels nice to open a door and see peace where chaos once reigned.

*Sighs of contentment*

Wishing you all Joyful Moments where peace, not chaos, reigns!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Organization always brings me joy too. Congratulations - I can't WAIT to be organized!

Today I was taught by the Holy Ghost. In trying to choose a moving company, I recognized the difference I felt working with different companies. It was dramatic! Discernment is one of the gifts of the Spirit that brings me peace and that peace brought me a much-needed JOY.