Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 250: Conferring

So, tonight was our first ever "official" Parent Teacher Conference.  I say "official" because we had those back in preschool.  But I mean, honestly, it was preschool.  (No offense to my little sis who was an awesome preschool teacher and I'm sure had awesome P/T Conferences.)

Sweet P's teacher just had rave reviews to offer.  She's apparently passed both Kindergarten reading tests, so now the teacher is going to try out the 1st grade reading test.  She's writing in sentences (not necessarily spelling everything correctly, but sounding them out as best she can i.e. "fon numbr" for "phone number"--so cute!)  She is doing great in all of the math concepts, again passing all of the tests Teacher has so far given.  And she is generally liked by the teacher.  Hooray!  And I really like her teacher.  Hip Hip Hooray!

Wishing you all Joyful Moments that validate your pride in your little pride and joy!

1 comment:

Linda said...

I used to love going to P/T conferences because I got to listen to someone else brag about MY child. :)

I visited one of my sweet aunts this morning with my brother and his wife. It felt like we were nudged to do this by my parents. And the experience was quite joyful in every way.