Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 242: Vicarious

Did you know that I really wanted to play the violin when I was little?  Because my best friend Diane did.  So, it seemed really cool.  But I was already in piano lessons, ballet lessons, tap lessons, and on swim team.  I don't know why my mom wouldn't sign me up for violin as well.

Actually, I have no idea how she did that.  And with four other children, too.  I can barely handle Kindergarten and violin lessons.

Anyways, that might be part of the reason why we chose violin lessons for Sweet P.  There were other reasons too, but sometimes I worry that I'm just trying to live out my childhood desires through her.  And then I feel guilty.  Because, even though she was beyond excited to start violin lessons last year, she HATES them now.  So, getting her to practice is usually the worst part of the day in our household.

Today at her lesson, she was playing a game with her teacher called "Copy Cat".  The teacher plays a set of notes and then she has to copy it exactly.  Her instructor played a particularly challenging set today and I was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to do it on the first try.  But Sweet P totally rocked that Copy Cat the first time through.  I was beginning a little inward cheer (I try to be quiet so I don't distract) when her teacher loudly declared, "Wow, Ms. Sweet P!  I don't think I've ever given any of my students one that challenging and you got it on the first try!"

Oh, I was proud.  Joyful Moment.

Wishing you all Joyful Moments that make your heart swell with pride--the righteous kind though, not the "I'm better than you" kind, that would be rude!

1 comment:

Linda said...


My joy today - Your phone call, helping me help your sister. Thanks for being you. I love you!