Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 742: Be Mine...Oh, Wait, You Already Are!

Today was wonderful.

(Minus one bit in the middle.  Baby B has been threatening to give up naps the last couple days.  And today he topped it off by discovering how to get out of his crib.  I might have been sitting outside his bedroom door crying when HH surprised me by arriving home early).

But it started off well.

I walked into the kitchen and learned the real reason why HH returned home late from the gym last night.  And what took him so long to come to bed.  He even trimmed all the stems!

And all day long, every time I walked into the kitchen I was greeted by their amazingly delightful scent.

As much as I hate being stereotypical--I'm quite partial to roses.

So, they were a Joyful Moment source and will be for days to come.  Yay for flowers!

I made this fun (and super simple) breakfast for the kids.  They were pretty excited about it!  Joyful Moment for me.

And then after HH's early arrival home, he pampered me, took care of me, and truly made my evening wonderful.

He is a Joyful Moment in my life.

Happy Valentine's Day, my love!

Wishing you all Joyful Moments and someone to love on this loving holiday!

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