Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 831: Friends and Surprises

Today I got to Visit Teach a friend.  So wonderful to catch up with her and chat with her.  Joyful Moments.  And then let our kids play at her park, for as long as I could stand the heat.  Not long, unfortunately.  We're having a very strange spring for the North Pole.

And then HH surprised us by coming home super early.  Super wonderful.

And we all did a bunch of yard work together.  The yard is looking so much better than it was a month ago and I get a little Joyful Moment every time I look at it.

Wishing you all Joyful Moments and Spring that feels like Spring and not Summer!


Linda said...

This was such a good day for me. I finished packing in early afternoon and was able to check off all the "essential" items on my to do list before leaving. And I am sooooooo excited for the next week!

Cheryl said...

yay! I'm so excited for you! I hope you have a great time! Say hi to everyone for us!