Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 287: Mixed Feelings

So, the snow managed to bring me another Joyful Moment for me today.  The kids were up and playing in it first thing this morning.  A couple weeks ago I bought them some saucers from Target.  We have a little hill in the backyard.  Perfect.  They had so much fun out there!  And I had my Joyful Moment watching them from inside.  Warm and toasty.

And then my s-i-l called to see if we could video chat with them via Skype.  We've been trying to find a good time for a couple weeks now, but it's challenging when they live on the other side of the world.  But my s-i-l found a time that worked for all of us and we got to visit for a while.  My two nieces are so adorable!  And totally entertaining to talk to.  My kids still don't understand why they were going to bed right after we had breakfast, but it was a Joyful Moment for all of us.

And then Baby B started blowing raspberries for the first time while in the bathtub tonight.  Is anybody keeping track of how often he is responsible for the Joyful Moments I post here?  He is just so stinkin' cute!

Wishing you all Joyful Moments derived from multiple family members all in one day!


Linda said...

We want to skype with you too!

My joy came in 2 ways - one was the bike ride up the canyon with my HH. It was a bit cold and windy but worth it to see the beauty and enjoy the experience. We even took a picnic in a backpack and ate by the side of the river. Majestic!

The other joy is that even though every project we did today was full of obstacles and took about 3 times as long as we anticipated, both your dad and I stayed calm and patient, and moved forward. This character-building day was actually joyful because of the choices we made in our attitudes.

Meg said...

Mine was FINALLY doing a million returns and getting tons of money back. And a new dress! :)