Thursday, August 2, 2012

959: Fit

HH read Baby B his bedtime story tonight.  This happens all the time, but tonight was especially cute.  It was one of Baby B's current faves, The Very Busy Spider, by Eric Carle and involves a lot of farm animals and their noises.  HH is amazing at farm animal noises.  Baby B loves to copy them.  And to repeat most of the lines of the book.  And it was a delightful Joyful Moment watching the two of them together.  One those memories I hope to hold onto forever.

After the kids were asleep, I headed out with my friend who also just had a baby for a much needed shopping trip.  In spite of my prior post about having lost most of my preggems belly, my body is not back to its normal size and shape yet.  Of course, it won't be completely until Darling A is weaned and I hope that is a long way off yet.

But very few of my clothes really fit right.  I try on a minimum of 5 shirts every time before I go anywhere.  So frustrating.  And I'm tired of just wearing the same three shirts.

So, a fun girls' night out without any kids in tow was Joyful Moment enough, but add to that a fun time with my friend and some really pretty new clothes!

Thank you, HH for staying home so I could go out and spend your money. (c:

Wishing you all Joyful Moments and finding the right shirt on the first try!

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