Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 364: Oh, How Fitting

A year ago today I was trying really hard to scrounge up one Joyful Moment each day in preparation for beginning my goal (tomorrow!!!).  And I was having a very difficult time.

If today had happened a year ago today, it would have been a terrible horrible no good very bad day.

It started at 5 A.M. when Sweet P came and woke me with a tap on my shoulder to inquire as to whether or not I remembered that she needed to bring something for the Mystery Bag (a.k.a. Show n' Tell) at school today.  And then I couldn't fall back asleep.  Instead I planted a seed of stress that blossomed into a glorious tension headache that came and went throughout the rest of the day at varying degrees of painfulness.

Then Baby B woke up early, so I had to go digging in the storage room to find his coat so he could stand outside with us while we waited for the bus in the cold.

And then he fell asleep early and he and Little M tag teamed their naps.  Usually, they both nap at the same time and it's wonderful.  Today, Baby B woke up at the exact moment that I stepped into the hallway to put Little M down for his nap (I know, I shouldn't complain about this at all because I'm extremely lucky that my almost-four-year old still naps).  And then 1 1/2 hours later when I was a few feet from their bedroom door to put Baby B back down for another nap (he's sleeping a ton because he's still very sick), Little M opened it, awake from his nap.  Can you believe the timing?

Normally, when I don't get a break for a little "Me Time", I go nuts and it really is an awful day.

But today, everything was okay.  All of these things that would usually ruin my day... just didn't.  In fact, my Joyful Moment was the extra time I got to spend with my boys.  Each of them alone.  Baby B is sick and super snuggly and every now and then I'd get him to giggle and when he's sick, there's something especially sweet about that.  And Little M and I watched a movie together.  That is so fun because I love talking with him about what's happening on screen.  He explains it all to me as we watch and it's just so cute.

And, as I composed this in my head while I was snuggling Baby B to sleep tonight, I had another Joyful Moment.  Because that is when I realized what today was and then contrasted it from a year ago.  And I don't think the difference in my attitude was any coincidence.  And I'm grateful for the opportunity to have the blog and for all it's taught me.

Wishing you all Joyful Moments and a happier day than you had a year ago!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Thanks for sharing your thought process with your readers. It's amazing how much control we have over our thoughts and thus on our attitudes. I appreciate your frankness.

My joy today was just knowing that my HH was in town and not in San Francisco. I just kept thinking about that all day, and each time it made me feel relief and gratitude and joy.