Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 1002: Rewards

We told the kids that if they made it to bed by 7:30 every night for a week, we could go camping at the lake this weekend.

That's pretty big motivation for our kids.

So, it happened.

That was an awesome Joyful Moment in and of itself.  But, camping with them tonight was even more fun.

It was a crazy, chaotic day.  Baby B was at his absolute worst.  I almost went crazy.  And I was already exhausted from a week of just plain poor sleep.  Plus, we thought Darling A had an ear infection.  Anyway, fortunately, she perked up today (thank you, Essential Oils!) and we got the all clear from her doctor, so we did it.  We went camping.  Even though, at times, it felt like more work than it could be worth.

Finally, this happened.  We made it to the campground, hauled all of our stuff out, HH started a fire, and we got dinner going.  And then the kids started counting the stars.  With wonder and amazement on their faces.  It was beautiful.

HH had to wait on me hand and foot while I fed and took care of Darling A.  He's so wonderful.

I've been craving s'mores for months, so that part of the night was awesome.  And a fun walk with just Sweet P and Little M to the miles-away-bathroom.  They are so fun.

And then some good ol' fashioned bedtime stories.

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