Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 1014: A Piece Of The Puzzle

I have really been struggling to figure out why Baby B has his outbursts, so we can find ways to lessen the occurrence.

This morning was his weekly play date.  When I picked him up from the child care center at the gym, he ran all the way from that door across the whole length of the building to the front doors, yelling happily "We goin' to E's house!  We goin' to E's house!"  He was seriously so happy.  And I realized he'd been happy all morning before going to the gym too.  And repeatedly talking to me about going to his friend's house.  And he was so happy and excited and content when he got home too.

No outbursts at all before his nap.  It was amazing.

No price can be placed on a peaceful child.

So, maybe he's just lonely with his big sister and brother gone all day.  And we just need more play dates.

We'll see.

While he was gone, I got some serious cleaning done.  Much much much needed cleaning.  It feels so nice.  No price can be placed on a clean(er) home.

The kids were kind of off schedule and I didn't get much of a break.

Until after HH got home from the gym tonight and I took off for a bit of Violin Parent Instruction and Support Group--and free pie.

I met a few other moms of Suzuki students along with the kids' instructor and we were able to learn more from her and discuss things together.  It's always nice to know that the nitty gritty of my experience is not unique.  And that all kids struggle through.

I did splurge and eat some pie.  And regretted it later.  I felt sick all night!  Not worth it.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Oh, you help me remember what it was like when I had all those little kids living in my house. Would you believe that I miss it? And that I'm happy with my current empty nester state also? True.

My HH was looking at x-rays of my foot amd having the orthopedist say that I can give my walking boot "the boot" - I've been hoping for this day and am joyful that it's here.