Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 850: Reparations

In an effort to assuage yesterday's awfulness, HH brought these home for me tonight.  A pretty little bouquet.  And it was a Joyful Moment to see his thoughtfulness.

Today was one of those days that wasn't entirely bad.  Baby B was actually on pretty good behavior and was mostly just a cute little boy today.  Which was a source of multiple Joyful Moments.

And I checked several items off of my to-do list.  Big items.  Leaving me feeling satisfied and Joyful Moment-ified.

Wishing you all Joyful Moment-ifying Moments!


Amy said...

Glad today was better! Sorry it was so rough yesterday. I understand. Blake's flowers look beeaauutiful!

My JM today was seeing Russell walk a few steps again!

Linda said...

My JM was finding the right gift for your bro-in-law even though I didn't remember to ask what he wanted until today. :)

Cheryl said...

Amy--as always, thanks for being so compassionate. And Hooray for Russell! I couldn't believe how strong his is in the video with the two walkers!

Mom--I love that feeling!