Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 1031: Too Easy

Things are going really well with my new mantra.

Almost too well.  I find myself doubting how long I can maintain this.  It just seems too easy after being so down for so long that I could feel this well just from reaffirming to myself that I have value.

But, for now I'm just trying to enjoy feeling well and all that entails.  We had a great morning.  Feeling well has helped me be a better parent for Baby B.  Things with him have felt a lot less out of control lately.  We even ran an errand tantrum free.  Amazing!

Then we came home, vacuumed the upstairs, and bathed Z.

And everyone was happy thanks to the Bumbo seat a friend gave us last week for Darling A.  She loves being able to sit up and be a part of the action.

And Baby B decided to steal some of the baby greens from my salad at lunch and then pretend that he was Cookie Monster eating his cookies.  Green, leafy cookies.  It was so funny and also fantastic at the same time.  This is a child who really fights eating his vegetables, so watching him eat some serious powerhouse veggies of his own free will was just great.

This evening, the kids and I made caramel apples a la this.  It was fun to have their help, although, I must confess that at the end I just took over completely.  They were busy scraping the extra caramel from the melting bowl, however, and really didn't mind.

The finished product was not pretty (it is important to not substitute a Tablespoon for a Teaspoon, when the instructions say to add a tsp. of water with the melting caramels), but they sure were tasty!

And Little M taught us a Family Home Evening lesson on taking the Sacrament, which he came up with on his own.  HH and I had to supplement a little with some of the discussion and scriptures, but all in all, he did a great job.  I'm so proud!


Linda said...

Wow - you were brave to try this with little ones. It sounds fun, but I would think you'd have to hose everyone down afterward. It sounds like you were living your mantra.

Cheryl said...

Yeah, it was pretty sticky!