Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 759: Cheryl & H, Plus 6 1/2

It doesn't rhyme.

But you get the idea.

Remember when some friends watched our kids so HH and I could get away for a romantic weekend?  Well, this weekend was their turn to get away.

This picture is actually from last night, but it was the only time I pulled out the camera.  These kids had so much fun together.  And wore HH out in the process.

He is amazing with children and they had an absolute blast playing all of his creative games and wrestling.  Wrestling was by far the favorite.

I took care of meals, clean up, and the occasional boo-boo.

But other than that, HH really did all the work.

I even got to sneak away this morning for a long yoga class.  Since it's been more than a week, I can't even express how wonderful of a Joyful Moment this was.  My back hurts so bad this pregnancy that I can't sleep a lot of the time.  Yoga seems to be the only cure.

And then I snuck away again in the afternoon for a much-needed haircut.  Another Joyful Moment.  Partly because I love talking to my friend who doubles as my amazing hairstylist, partly because (as I said) I really needed a haircut.

Wishing you all Joyful Moments and lovely hair!


Melanie said...

You know I've always loved your hair!

Linda said...

Your HH is worth more than his weight in gold, isn't he! I'm so grateful you two have each each other.

My JM came when I received a priesthood blessing from my own HH early this morning. I woke up in a whole lot of pain and as he pronounced a blessing upon me, that pain immediately began to subside. I am so grateful for a righteous HH of my own, and for the priesthood that he holds.

Linda said...

Also, this is the day I can say that I finished painting those walls. No more red in those rooms!!!! I love love love the new color "softer tan" and the change in the feel of the rooms.

Cheryl said...

Mel--You are always so sweet!

Mom--We both have wonderful HH's. And so lucky to be connected to both for eternity!

Send pictures!!!