Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 55: Accommodating Kindness

So, we have to schedule an appointment for something (of a sensitive nature, so I'm going to be a little vague on the details here) that is only available in a city over an hour away from here. My OB/GYN kind of flipped out when I was explaining this to her, but then we were miraculously able to get the appointment scheduled for the next day, HH came with me, and everything was great.
And then they wanted a follow up appointment. And it's sort of urgent.

So, I got a phone call this morning telling me that the soonest they can get us in is April 19th. That is exactly one week before my due date. With the other two pregnancies, I was no longer pregnant one week before my due date. But even if I were, I'm pretty sure my doctor would be super stressed about that. So, I explained this to the girl who has been dealing with all of my needy phone calls of late and she said she'd see what she could do.

She called back this afternoon and somehow managed to get us in for next week. She apologized that it couldn't be sooner. But I overrode that with profuse gratitude. She was the source for today's biggest Joyful Moment. I've never met her, but thanks to her we will hopefully be through with a process that normally wouldn't have even begun for at least another month and then would have dragged on for a few more months. And because this involves one of my babies, I am indescribably grateful that the worry and stress will (hopefully) be over soon and that I don't have to fret over it for another couple of months.

And just in case tonight's post was too vague to make sense, hanging out with friends at the children's museum and getting to take this happy face home was another fun Joyful Moment.

Wishing you all Joyful Moments brought to you by kind strangers!


Melanie said...

Being able to do a whole lot of things even when being sick. It was really joyful that my day was productive in spite of physical obsticals.

Linda said...

My joy was dreaming about my mom for the first time since she passed away.