Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 5: Another Love

First, Christy--We actually invited HH's couselors and their families over yesterday. So, they were friends, but not friends that we know very well. We set a goal to have two families over each month from the Elder's Quorum (HH is Elder's Quorum President for our congregation. This means that he is in charge of most of the adult men and their families). So, you could try inviting people that you don't know very well and making new friends. I don't really know. Honestly, I think that's weird for people to turn you down. I'm sorry.

The other thing we've done in the past is to find a small group with similar families (number and ages of people) and do regular pizza parties. Each couple takes a turn hosting and prepares the pizza dough, sauce, and cheese. The other couples can bring their favorite toppings and/or salads, drinks, and desserts.

If it's something you enjoy, I'd say keep trying and I'm sure you'll find people who also enjoy that sort of thing. Good luck!

So, fortunately for me, in addition to looooving food, I also have a passion for working out. I'm weird and I find enjoyment in the pain of pushing my body to work harder. So, you see, I totally have balance in my life. I am so balanced.

Anyway, that is what brought on today's Joyful Moment. I found out about a marathon that's not to far from these parts held in May. I'm pretty sure my doctor would frown on me attempting to do this year's, so I've decided I'm going to do next year's.

Running a marathon has been on my to-do list since high school. I have some joint issues, so I've kind of put it on the back burner for many years now. But I finally feel like the time is right. Like I'm wise enough to train properly (i.e. train with control to avoid injuries). And it will give me just a little over a year after the birth of this baby to get ready.

And I am SO PUMPED!!!!

I was already feeling impatient to have this baby (I know it wouldn't be good for my baby to be born yet, I'm just really not a very patient person--that is why Patience is my theme for this year), but now I can hardly wait to get started on my recovery and training. Definitely a joyous prospect.

I love having something to look forward to. I hope you all have something to look forward to that brings you joy!


Meg said...

I love this idea, and I've been procrastinating reading blogs for some reason... so I'm really glad I finally decided to do it today!

My joyful moment takes a little explanation:
Parent/Teacher Conferences are this week. Last week I had my students draw a self portrait on the outside of a folder. I explained that I would put all their wonderful artwork and handwriting in the folder to show off to their parents. Today I was actually putting their individual papers in the folders, and I noticed that Dylan had written a secret message on the inside of his folder: "I love Mom." My heart just melted. Oh, I love my job. :)

Jen said...

Cheryl -- I just signed up for a 1/2 marathon in June. My first! It's an all women run on a Saturday and there are at least a dozen other LDS women training too. I will have approx. 9 weeks to get ready for it. :)

Amy said...

My moment of joy came yesterday while at the doctor's office with Krysta. She was very nervous to be there. We'd been talking about owies and why can't we be all done and why won't the doctor go away, etc. Then suddenly, she looked up, and said to me, "Mommy, you stay with me?" And when I said, "Yes." This whole look of calm came over her. I love that she knows she can trust me and that just by having me with her makes her feel peace. It was a wonderful moment of joy and love.

Linda said...

I had several joyful moments yesterday - the great news from Amy about Krysta, the tender mercy of finding a warm,quiet place to talk to Amy on the phone since we were in NYC on our way to the opera, and our night "out". Roger and I enjoyed the opera but even more we enjoyed every moment together.

Christy said...

Thanks for the encouragement! And CONGRATS on your marathon!!! I am so excited for you. that is something I think everyone should try at least once in their life. If you want any tips, I can share what I liked about my training and what I would do differently.

PS. How do you work out when you are pregnant? The same as before? Or what do you change? Just curious!